Saturday, July 10, 2010

Slow slow slowwwww the weight comes off....

Why does one have to exercise all the time and eat like I am eating to take off one pound a week? This will take forever!

I have been feeling a little better about not eating sugar ,bread, and pretty much eating rabbit food. I have found a lot of sugar free options but and it has been quit do not want to go to crazy on that either.

My boyfriends kids are here this week from Minnesota and it has been quite a feat to keep the regular eating habits in order, but I am doing well. I have finally lost another pound, and it brings me that much closer to my goal.....

Keep on truckin Erin, and be your own best cheerleader....

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Erin...I feel more inspired by each blog! I am stopping eating sugar for a while as well, and feel much better for it.
    So thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
